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Self Hosted Newsletter App Built on Top of Nodemailer

Source on GitHub Subscribe to Our Newsletter


Mailtrain allows you to easily manage even very large lists. Million subscribers? Not a problem. You can add subscribers manually, through the API or import from a CSV file. All lists come with support for custom fields and merge tags as well.


Text fields, numbers, drop downs or checkboxes, Mailtrain has them all. Every custom field can be included in the generated newsletters through merge tags. Mailtrain also supports custom forms.


Send messages only to list subscribers that match predefined segmentation rules. No need to create separate lists with small differences.


Setup Mailtrain to track RSS feeds and if a new entry is detected in a feed then Mailtrain auto-generates a new campaign using entry data as message contents and sends it to selected subscribers.


If a list has a custom field for a GPG Public Key set then subscribers can upload their GPG public key to receive encrypted messages from the list.


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Mailtrain ships with GrapeJS and Mosaico built in, two advanced template editors. Mailtrain also offers a code editor if you prefer to handcraft the HTML yourself.


You can use any provider that supports SMTP protocol to send out your newsletters. Bounce and complaints handling via webhooks is supported for SES, SparkPost, SendGrid and Mailgun, also for Postfix and ZoneMTA.


Define automation triggers to send specific messages when a user activates the trigger.

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